I was so hungry that I really needed to eat.
Today I was expecting a very busy day for me. Nevertheless I woke up late, jumped out the bed and prepared for work without taking breakfast. When I arrived in the office, piles of work are already waiting. I was bombarded with tasks from left to right. I didn't know if I would still have time for breakfast. However, I ordered my usual egg roll and cup of tea for 5 dirhams. When the delivery guy arrived, I gave him 10 dirhams. I took my order and he handed me the change. Unexpectedly, I didn't notice until I sat down that there was an extra 50-fill coin in the change that he gave me. In UAE, a deer is etched in the 50 dirham coin as shown in the photo.
I was surprised and immediately a verse flashed so clearly in my mind:
As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. -Ps 42:1
It was like God saying, "Can you just stop and let's talk awhile? Long for me and not only will you be filled, you will experience the overflow."
I paused and closed my eyes to just spend time with Him - nothing else, just us. Then I felt a great sense of peace. I know nothing can move me now that the Lord let me experience His refreshing water, the only Living Water that satisfies my soul.
Prayer: Dear God, I need Your grace now more than ever! In Your presence I find strength to face the day! Help me because I can't do this alone. In Jesus' name. Amen. #NakawNaSandali #PAUSE
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